Introduction to the War on Dad Blog

Hey. So basically this is me writing down my ideas for health and fitness since writing is really all I do when we cut right to the chase. W...

Thursday, February 6, 2025

2 Posts in a Week, Good Reminders in Training

Couple of quick things. 

It's more important to DO something than to just PLAN to Do Something. 

Whether it's writing this Blog, keeping track of my calories, working on personal projects, booking trips to visit loved ones … you can get lost in the planning. I'm so fucking guilty of this, calling it being certain.

Nothing's Certain.

At some point procrastination is just stagnation and you never do anything.

Yesterdays' Examples?

Getting to the Downtown Goodlife (shout out to Goodlife Fitness 330 Main) and seeing way more people there than I'm used to. Forcing me to adjust, scrap my planned workout order and just do what was available. Turns out, I had a good lift and discovered energy limitations and challenges I wasn't expecting.

Getting in the ring with the @BlazeProWrestling trainees in spite of my plan to just "coach and spectate" and suddenly throwing my boots and pads on and running scrimmages with anyone interested. Sure, I'm sore today, but so what? A good experience for me, some good safety lessons and reminders for them, and everyone(I think) feels good today for their efforts.

Taking a recommendation from an old friend to actually use the benefits I have with work and book a massage appointment for my back and knees from his RMT. 

So yeah. Do Something. It leads to more things.

Anyways, here's yesterdays Workout Review:

Feb 5, 2025 - Pecks'n'Decks (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)

Pec Fly Machine - "175" x 12, 12, 12, 12 (final set with full stretch partials, HUGE pump)
Incline Smith Mach Chest Press - "205" x 6, 6, 6, 7 (WAY fewer reps, but I usually start with a press, final set was to failure)
DB Side Lat raise - 30lb x 12, 12, 12, 12 (Felt good, short rests, stay here 1 more week)
Cable Lat Raise - "15" x 6, 6, 6  "10" x 12 (always a humbling but effective lift)
Mach OHP - "80" x 12, 12  "90" x 12 (def go up, felt good)
Rev Grip Wide Bar Cable Extensions - "50" x 15, 15, 15, 20, 25 (Just love burning these out)
20 Mins Treadmill

, 3.0 Incline, 2.6mph

This week I bumped up to 4 sets per exercise just to see how it feels. I don't want to get too deep into volume and overdo things like I'm guilty of in the past. Now that I'm a man of a certain age I try to be more cognizant of my recovery and energy expenditures. With that said, maintaining the calorie deficit
this week hasn't been too difficult. It's probably a bit more extreme than recommended, but as a superheavyweight a 500-750 calorie deficit isn't as big as it seems.

Anyways, that's all. Next lift likely wont happen until Friday. Going to try and make today about big steps and walking.


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