Introduction to the War on Dad Blog

Hey. So basically this is me writing down my ideas for health and fitness since writing is really all I do when we cut right to the chase. W...

Monday, August 28, 2023

Adjusting My Method- Fall 2023 Training Plan

So as I head into my late 40s and am re-evaluating how I've spent the last few years training (Pandemic Times included) I've started to realize how real "over training" really is. And how ineffective (for ME) going in and attempting a "Bro Split - different Body Part each day" program really is. Not only do I find that it eats up a truck load of my time, I just don't find it to be as rewarding or provide any true strength gains.

Which makes sense. I'm a grown assed man with grown assed responsibilities - aka , a Day Job and a daughter. So trying to squeeze in that much volume in 45-60 minutes 5x a week is not only problematic scheduling wise, it can be hard to properly recover from without going too long between body parts over the course of a week.

As such, I've really started taking a true Less is More philosophy since the beginning of August and have found that it's been much more rewarding for me. Note - I don't train with any less intensity or effort, I just try to focus my efforts to be more in line with maximizing my time and recovery. By splitting my workouts from 5-6 days a week to a 2 Day lifting / 1 Day cardio and core I am now able to hit my whole body twice a week if I choose to, leaving me with enough recovery time to be feeling and making strength / endurance gains.

As such, here's how things currently look:

DAY 1 - Back with Biceps

DAY 2 - Chest, Shoulders, Triceps

DAY 3 - High Resistance X-Trainer Cardio

Yeah, Yeah - "Don't Skip Leg day, Bruh." I get it. And bring it on. In truth this is just my plan for the next 6 weeks at which point i will re-evaluate. However I have been finding that my legs (and more importantly me KNEES) have been responding well to the up tick in cardiovascular training on the X-Trainers. Having some time to save them from taking a pounding is good for not only for the pins, but my heart and lungs well. Because no matter how much I say "I need to do more cardio" having a day where that's the only thing on the agenda really helps.

The lifting philosophy is pretty simple on the Resistance Training Days. After warm ups I move onto my biggest exercise and work my way up to where I top out between 6-8 reps. If it takes 5 sets, it takes 5 sets. If it takes more then even better. I usually follow it up with a secondary lift, something a bit more isolated and then finish with a superset of some kind, just to burn out and feel solid. I don't stress so much about the specific exercise. Sometimes the gyms are packed and I have to adjust, and that's fine. The goal is to be consistent with the effort and plan, not necessarily to do the exact same thing every time. This also helps things feel fresh for me, so I don't feel as stagnant when I walk into the weight pit.

A Sample Back / Biceps day looks something like this:

Cable Pressdowns / Rear Delt rows to warm up

Bent Over Barbell Row 5-6 Working sets

Meadows Row 4-5 working sets

Lat Pulldowns 3-4 sets, superset with DB Curls

Spider Curls 3-4 sets, superset with Lat Pressdown 

Overall, I wanna be in and out of the gym feeling pumped and pooped in about 45 minutes. Any longer then that I start to feel fatigued and like the reps aren't as effective.

Give this method a try if you're looking to change things up. I've noticed some good size and strength gains in just the few weeks I've been doing this. Hopefully you enjoy.


Wednesday, August 23, 2023

Getting Back on Tracks

In every life there are setbacks.

Some are forced upon us. More commonly they are self created. At least, more commonly for me I find.

Trying to distill the arguments and excuses away, trying to forgive myself for the things I've done or left undone ... It's a process. 

Part of that process for me has been re-evaluating how I look at my time in the gym. How i work on my personal fitness.

Over the past few years I realized just how heavily I relied upon "the gym" for my therapy. For my way of denying the truths about my hurts and anxieties. For just ignoring the things that were upsetting me and turning all of that discomfort into punishment once I walked through the gym doors at 5am, to flog myself until the endorphin rush and sweat quelled the worst of my feelings.

Lately though, I've come to realize that I've needed more than just the gym. I've needed Family. Love. Companionship. I've also needed self-respect, forgiveness and understanding.

Nothing is ever settled. And I'm still a work in progress. 

But part of the process has been in changing the way i look at my workouts. Listening to my body sure - but also listening to my brain and heart, to try and find out if I am Training for the Right Reasons.

Sure. I wanna be big and strong. Sure I wanna be lifting and clear headed into my 70s. Sure I wanna be healthy for my daughter as she grows up. And Sure, I wanna be fitter and leaner not just because it's good for my health but because I admit to wanting to feel less self-conscious about my body

But that last one really IS the last reason now. 

So... going forward I'm want to try and make this Blog more of a self accountability space. A place where I post about my workouts, maybe a picture here or there (for the almighty algorithm of course) but also focus on my REASON for lifting. 

Wish me luck. Feel free to like, comment or tell me to kick rocks.