Introduction to the War on Dad Blog

Hey. So basically this is me writing down my ideas for health and fitness since writing is really all I do when we cut right to the chase. W...

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Making Gains While Registering Weakness

I swear, my intellectual side understands that restricting my calories will make me feel weaker, give me less energy and overall affect my mood.  And in spite of the deficit I've been good about not just eating "healthy food" and been trying to enjoy some regular snacks in order to maintain my sense of satiety and normalcy.

But my ego hates it.  Hates it.

Even worse, my body rebels against it, leaving me mostly bedridden and self-recriminating every life decision I've ever made anxious for about 48 hours.

Okay, that last bit has little to do with the calories.


Some rest was had. A few lighter workouts were accomplished over the weekend. And I visited an RMT for the first time in … maybe ever really. Some good deep tissue work on my neck and upper back was challenging to get through and the fascia breaking down around my knee was something to behold let me tell you.

But I'd be lying if I said that the body wasn't feeling a bit better today, even with my broken up graveyard shift sleep.

So, this morning. Went to the downtown Goodlife in Winnipeg. Gave my poor frozen car a break from the frigid planet of Hoth and attempted to push through my heavier Pull Day.

Feb 16, 2025
Back w/Biceps
Pull Downs -
"200" x 10, 10, 10 7 (Slight strength improvement from last time)
Smith Mach Bentover Row - 205lb x 12, 12, 12, 10 (I prefer in the smith for the stability and the stretch)
Machine Row - "190" x 12, 12, 12, 12 (still a bit too easy but the feel after is good)
EZ Bar Curl - 80lb x 15, 15, 15 (Didn't want to add weight or sets, so the extra reps felt right)
DB Curls - 30lb x 15, 15 17 (after EZ Bar this was challenging but extra reps on final set were very effective)
Treadmill Walk 30 mins, 2.6 mph, 3% incline

Overall, a fine lift and post walk. Felt nice and satisfied once I was done. And absolutely famished. That did wonders for my mood I tell you. I forget what it's like when my fatigue and blood sugars tank. I get angsty and pissy in like 10 minutes.

Anyways, still trying to track my macros reasonably well. harder to do over night when I have to sleep during the day (Meaning that my breakfast an hour ago is technically counting towards tomorrow instead of today - its weird).


Thanks for reading and following. 


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